My Tenant Wants To Leave Early!


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My Tenant Wants To Leave Early!

So your tenant wants to leave and they're only a few months in? What do you do? Force them to stay and pay the rent? Send the boys round? Or do you let them go?!  SURELY NOT!

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about eviction. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

What to Do and Not to Do If You Can't Pay Rent on Time

If you are a conscientious and honest tenant who is temporarily short on funds, most landlords won’t evict you for paying rent a little late one month. Here are some dos and don'ts of paying rent late--including how to negotiate a partial or delayed rent payment. check to learn more.

Landlord Tenant Disputes

When navigating a dispute with your landlord or your tenant, care should be taken to ensure that both sides attempt to uphold their side of the agreement while protecting their interests to the fullest extent allowed by law. check to learn more.

Landlord and Tenant Rights and Obligations

Landlords and tenants typically enter into contractual agreements (otherwise called the lease), so it is important that all rights and obligations be clearly defined and agreed upon during the contract-signing stage of a landlord-tenant relationship. check to learn more.

Retaliatory Actions, Evictions And Discrimination

In either situation, the landlord's action is said to be retaliatory because the landlord is punishing the tenant for the tenant's exercise of a legal right. The law offers tenants protection from retaliatory eviction and other retaliatory acts. check to learn more.

Will a Late Fee Make Tenants Pay Rent on Time?

When tenants fall behind in rent, it can also affect your bottom line as a landlord. When deciding on a late fee, you must consider how long the tenant has before the rent is considered late as well as the actual amount you will charge the tenant for a late payment. check to learn more.